Thursday, April 28, 2011

Incorporating Animals In The News To a Science Lesson!

I was watching tv last night and came across this documentary about dolphins. Dolphins are one my favorites so I kept it on for a little bit and it was really interesting. The show is called planet earth. I found a clip of it on youtube.

It showed how dolphins chase fish up to the shore. The fish go real close to the sand where its shallow so the dolphins can't get to them. First the dolphins turn around and back up and then slap their tail. This stuns the fish and then they float back to where the dolphins can get them. But on the show that wasn't working. So they tried something else, which was really cool. The dolphins back up and charge the shore really fast and gain a lot of speed. They turn on their sides and, because their so fast, they hydroplane on top of the water and go right up the beach. It was really cool how they did it, and it seemed like a good idea.

I researched more about how dolphins hunt and found more stuff.

On this website I learned that dolphins use a technique called echolocation.  It's basically a radar that can detectet the location of fish.They dolphins make a high sonar pitch that they hear bounce off fish and they can tell where they are by that They also use it to communicate. This is a mp3 of the sonar

On page 179 our the textbook it talks about the 5 kingdoms, one being animalia.  Dolphins are in the mammalia class and the delphinidae family.
So I just thought it was pretty cool and worth blogging about


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