Spring Is On Its Way!
It's March 8, that means that the first day of spring is only 2 weeks away!!
When someone thinks of spring one of the first things that comes to mind is flowers. But what makes a flower?..Well it all starts with a seed!
The only experience that I have had with planting seeds was in elementary school. We did an experiment where we grew lima beans in plastic cups. We packed our own dirt and buried the see in it, and we had to water it everyday and watch it grow. I never had an outside garden or an indoor garden, so I'm not too familiar with how to care for seeds and the best way to grow them.
What does it mean to be alive? To be alive means to breathe, eat, move, reproduce, and anything else that a living thing can do.
Dictionary.com defines the word "alive" as:
having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless
So what is the point of a science exploration that takes days or weeks to complete?
- it helps students see the difference in change in a certain object.
- students can observe the change day by day
- students can learn to make observations daily.
- students will learn that everything takes time and not everything can be done in the "blink of an eye."
Working with partners can be great!!
Working with partners or a small group can affect your learning experience because you can all contribute your own ideas into what you are working on. Each person has a great idea and when they are all combined together they make one really great idea. Each person also is good at their own individual thing. So if you take something that each person in the group is good at and put it together, your group work could turn out great!
Earth Worms.
Whenever I encounter earth worms,which is usually after it rains or while it is raining, on wet pavement, I try to avoid them as much as possible. They are not really my favorite. The only time I have ever handled an earth worm was in seventh grade science class and we had to discect one! I was not happy and I didn't really like it too much.
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