Thursday, January 27, 2011

Teaching Methods In Science Class

In attempting to make my first blog ever, I am a little nervous. I started this blog for Methods in Science and Technology, and since I have never had a blog before I am not exactly sure what to do. I am excited to learn more about different technologies and see what is out there on the internet and what sources can help me become a better professional. I know there are a lot of blogs out there in the "internet world" about all possible different things and I am excited to contribute to the method of "blogging."  My blogs will be about my class readings from the textbook, what I have discovered in nature, and my teacher observations. I am eager to post my discussions and findings of new information. 

I understand that this is a way of using a science journal. I am eager to start experimenting within class so that I could start writing down my observations and my questions that I have throughout the classroom experiments. I will be posting questions, inquiries, thoughts and teaching approaches up on my blog throughout the semester!

My reflection on the first day of class is that we started off class in a way that most college courses do not begin. We did a name tags activity where we wrote down our names, our favorite science teacher, what we think science is and what we think learning is. Instead of going over the syllabus and what is expected of us in the course we just did a fun activity that helped everyone in class to get to know each other, or at least everyone in each others groups got to know each other. I found this activity to be a very helpful learning experience. It gave me an idea as to what I might want to do in my own classroom when I become a teacher. I would like for my students to get to know each other and to feel comfortable with each other in the way that we were meant to feel on the first day of Science Methods.